Add ifconfig option

Jay Moore/NQ4T 1 year ago
parent 72ca9636e5
commit bbfbcbf504

@ -12,17 +12,19 @@ DMZ, you'll have to use an external service.
## Installation & Usage
If you are using the pfSense IP Check Service, copy both the .sh and
.php file in to /usr/local/www. It will be available at
.php file in to /usr/local/www on pfSense. It will be available at:
- https://[LAN.IP]/getv4.php
- http://[LAN.IP]/getv4.php
depending on if you use https or not.
depending on if you use https or not. Accessing this file does not
require logging in to the admin panel.
Copy to your server using the hostname; then make a copy
of it if you're updating/hosting multiple names. Edit the script
with your hostname, APIKey, the device you want to use for IPv6,
and which IPv4 check service you want to use. Add it to cron.
Copy to your server using the hostname; make copies for
each hostname you want to update with your hostname, APIKey, the
device you want to use for IPv6, and which IPv4 check service you
want to use. Add it to cron. If using multiple, it's easiest to
add commands to all scripts in to another script called by cron.
The script will only update either v4 or v6 if the records don't
match the machine's IP addresses.
@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ is done at your own risk.
10-APR-2023: Initial Version
11-APR-2023: Mirror to Github. Add 'ifconfig' command
## License

@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ v4=$(curl -s
# v4=$(curl -s # This uses my scripts on pfSense
# Pull IPv6 from interface - Pulls first non-local v6 from specified device
v6=$(/sbin/ip -6 addr show dev $dev | awk '/inet6/ && !/fe80|::1/ {print $2}' | cut -f1 -d'/')
v6=$(/sbin/ip -6 addr show dev $dev | awk '/inet6/ && !/fe80|::1/ {print $2}' | cut -f1 -d'/') # systems using 'ip'
#v6=$(ifconfig $dev | awk '/inet6/ && !/fe80|::1/ {print $2}') # systems using 'ifconfig'
# Commands for curl
curl="curl -s -S -q -f -d hostname=$hostname -d password=$APIkey"
