#!/bin/bash # HEDDNS Update Script # 10-APR-2023 - Jay Moore (dewdude@pickmy.org) # https://git.pickmy.org/dewdude/HEDyn # FreeBSD 3-Clause License (see LICENSE) # Hostname & APIKey Configuration: hostname=DDNSHOSTNAME APIkey=HOSTNAMEAPIKEY # Set to your IPv6 Interface Name dev=eth0 # One IP Check service returns just the ip; the other appends "Current IP Address:" we need to filter v4=$(curl -s http://freemyip.com/checkip) # v4=$(curl -s http://checkip.dyndns.org/ | awk -F '[:<>]' '/Current IP Address/{sub(/^[[:space:]]+/, "", $14); print $14}') # v4=$(curl -s # This uses my scripts on pfSense # Pull IPv6 from interface - Pulls first non-local v6 from specified device v6=$(/sbin/ip -6 addr show dev $dev | awk '/inet6/ && !/fe80|::1/ {print $2}' | cut -f1 -d'/') # systems using 'ip' #v6=$(ifconfig $dev | awk '/inet6/ && !/fe80|::1/ {print $2}') # systems using 'ifconfig' # Commands for curl curl="curl -s -S -q -f https://dyn.dns.he.net/nic/update -d hostname=$hostname -d password=$APIkey" v4cmd="-d myip=$v4" v6cmd="-d myip=$v6" # Puts current DNS records in to variable loadips(){ A=$1 AAAA=$2 } loadips $(nslookup $hostname | awk '/^Address: / { print $2 }') # Gets current A and AAA recoreds [[ $v4 != $A ]] && $curl $v4cmd && echo "v4 Updated" # Update if different [[ $v6 != $AAAA ]] && $curl $v6cmd && echo "v6 Updated" # Update if different