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#ajw v1.02 - jukebox for asterisk wizard
#Jay Moore/NQ4T -
#Twitter: @Music_OnHold
#Licensed under GPL-3.0-or-later
# Works like this:
# Put all your albums in your Asterisk sounds directory: /jukebox root/album/track#.ulaw
# Run script, enter prompts.
# Copy .conf, include in extensions.conf, assign extension.
setup() {
printf "[$name-main]\nexten = s,1,Answer()\nsame =n,Set(VOLUME(TX)=$vol)\nsame = n,Set(c=$name-main)\nsame = n(return),Set(m=1)\nsame = n(loop),Background($rootfolder/$introfile)\n"
[ "$delay" -ne 0 ] printf "same = n,WaitExten($delay)\n"
printf "same = n,Set(m=\$[\${m} + 1])\nsame = n,GoToIf(\$[\"\${m}\" > \"$loop\"]?loop)\nsame = n(goodbye),Background($rootfolder/$goodbye)\nsame = n,Hangup()\n\n"
} >> $name-juke.conf
album() {
printf "exten = _%02dXX,1,Set(aa=$rootfolder/$folder)\n" $a
[ "$lz" -eq 0 ] && printf "same = n,GoToIf(\$[\"\${EXTEN:-2}\" = \"00\"]?8track-player,#$tc,1)\n" || printf "same = n,GoToIf(\$[\"\${EXTEN:-2}\" = \"00\"]?8track-player,*$tc,1)\n"
[ "$lz" -eq 0 ] && printf "same = n,GoToIf(\$[\"\${EXTEN:-2}\" < \"10\"]?cart-player,#\${EXTEN:-1},1)\n"
printf "same = n,GoTo(cart-player,*\${EXTEN:-2},1)\n\n"
} >> $name-juke.conf
printf "+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+\n |a|j|w| - asterisk jukebox wizard\n version 1.02 - Jay Moore/NQ4T\n\n+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+\n\n\n"
printf "Pick a name/identifier for this jukebox: "
read name
printf "\nEnter the root folder name of your jukebox: "
read rootfolder
printf "\nEnter the filename of your menu/intro: "
read introfile
printf "\nHow many times do you want it to play? "
read loop
printf "\nHow many seconds between intro play? (Enter 0 for no delay)"
read delay
printf "\nEnter the filename of your exit file: "
read goodbye
printf "\nEnter a channel volume (I recommend -3): "
read vol
printf "\nWriting Basic Configuration.\n\nAuto-Generating Albums\n\n"
dir=$(ls $asd/$rootfolder -l | awk '/^d/ {print $9}')
for folder in $dir
tracks=$(ls $asd/$rootfolder/$folder -l | grep "ulaw" | wc -l)
tracks=$((tracks + 1))
tc=$(printf "%02d" $tracks)
ld=$(ls $asd/$rootfolder/$folder -l | grep "ulaw" | awk '{print $9}' | awk '/^0/')
[ -z "$ld" ] && lz=0 || lz=1
a=$((a + 1))
printf "\n\nDone.\n\n\nYour jukebox is located at $name-juke.conf.\n"
printf "Make sure to include it and the player conf in your dial plan somewhere.\n\n\n\n"