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;tapeplayer.conf - Asterisk Jukebox - Version 1.something
;Jay Moore - NQ4T - Twitter: @Music_OnHold
exten = _#X,1,Wait(.25)
same = n,Set(z=${EXTEN})
same= n(replay),Background(${aa}/${EXTEN:-1})
same = n,Goto(${c},s,return)
exten = _*XX,1,Wait(.25)
same = n,Set(z=${EXTEN})
same= n,Background(${aa}/${EXTEN:-2})
same = n,Goto(${c},s,return)
exten = i,1,Goto(${c},s,return)
exten = 2,1,Goto(cart-player,${z},1)
exten = _*XX,1,Set(tt=${IF($[${EXTEN:-2} < 10]?${EXTEN:-1}:${EXTEN:-2})})
same = n,Set(t=1)
same = n,Set(p=*)
same = n(lead),GoToIf($[${t} = 10]?tenplus)
same = n(hax),Background(${aa}/0${t})
same = n(next),Set(t=$[${t} + 1])
same = n,GoToIf($[${t} < ${tt}]?lead)
same = n,Goto(${c},s,goodbye)
same = n(tenplus),Set(p=#)
same = n,GoTo(#00,hax)
exten = _#XX,1,Set(tt=${IF($[${EXTEN:-2} < 10]?${EXTEN:-1}:${EXTEN:-2})})
same = n,Set(t=1)
same = n,Set(p=#)
same = n(hax),Background(${aa}/${t})
same = n(next),Set(t=$[${t} + 1])
same = n,GoToIf($[${t} < ${tt}]?hax)
same = n,Goto(${c},s,goodbye)
exten = 1,1,GoToIf($["${t}" = "1"]?wait)
same = n,Set(t=$[${t} - 1])
same = n(wait),Wait(.25)
same = n,Goto(${p}00,hax)
exten = 2,1,Wait(.25)
same = n,Goto(${p}00,hax)
exten = 3,1,Wait(.25)
same = n,Goto(${p}00,next)
exten = 0,1,Goto(${c},s,return)