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766 lines
18 KiB

10 rem drugwar64v101.bas - 29/10/2018 - 04h45
20 rem drugwar/64 - version 1.01
30 rem codebase: drugwar//e 1.03
40 rem ported by: jay moore
50 rem "damn that was annoying"
60 rem 28-oct-2018
70 rem copyright 2018 jay moore
80 rem released under gpl v3
90 rem
100 rem twitter: _nq4t
110 poke 646,1 : poke 53281,0 : poke 53280,0
120 rv=1.01
130 goto 6960
140 rem->titlebar
150 poke 214,0:poke 211,14:sys 58640 : ?"drugwar/64"
160 print chr$(18)" "
170 return
180 rem->wait
190 print
200 input "press enter to continue.";x$
210 return
220 rem->twofifteen
230 poke 214,1 : poke 211,14:sys 58640
240 return
250 rem->twosixteen
260 poke 214,1:poke 211,15:sys 58640
270 return
280 rem->twoseventeen
290 poke 214,1:poke 211,16:sys 58640
300 return
310 rem->twoeighteen
320 poke 214,1: poke 211,17:sys 58640
330 return
340 rem->twonineteen
350 poke 214,1:poke 211,18:sys 58640
360 return
370 rem->jetalthere
380 gosub 350:print chr$(18)"jet"
390 return
400 rem->timera
410 for j = 1 to 2500
420 next j
430 k = int(rnd(2)+.5)
440 return
450 rem->timerb
460 for j = 1 to 1000
470 next j
480 return
490 rem->timerc
500 for j = 1 to 2000
510 next j
520 return
530 rem->howmuchbuy
540 print "you can afford ";j
550 print "you can carry ";f
560 rem->howmanybuy
570 print
580 input "how many? (enter 0 cancel): ";k
590 if k=0 goto 1200
600 if k>f then print chr$(18)"you can't carry that much!" : goto 570
610 if k>j then print chr$(18)"you can't afford that much!" : goto 570
620 return
630 rem->howmuchsell
640 print "you can sell: ";j
650 print
660 rem->howmanysell
670 input "how many? (enter 0 to cancel.): ";k
680 if k>j then print "you don't have that many!" : goto 670
690 if k=0 goto 1200
700 return
710 rem->freespace
720 f=i-((g*5)+m+n+o+u+t+q)
730 return
740 rem->chase
750 gosub 230: print chr$(18)"being chased"
760 return
770 rem->gmod
780 gosub 260:print chr$(18)"game over"
790 return
800 rem->bronxcheck
810 if p$ = "the bronx" then return
820 print "you need to head to the bronx"
830 print "to take care of this business."
840 gosub 500
850 goto 1200
860 rem->daily
870 c=int(rnd(5)*12000+16000.5)
880 h=int(rnd(5)*7000+5000.5)
890 a=int((rnd(5)*34+10)*100+.5)
900 z=int((rnd(5)*42+33)*10+.5)
910 s=int((rnd(5)*15+7)*10+.5)
920 l=int((rnd(5)*4+1)*10+.5)
930 b=int(rnd(5)*20+.5)
940 d=d+1
950 rem->checkday
960 if d >= 31 goto 7400
970 return
980 rem->scorecalculate
990 k=(w+e)-v
1000 if k<0 then k=0 : return
1010 k=int(sqr((k/31.5)+.5))
1020 if k>100 then k=100
1030 return
1040 rem->gamestart
1050 w=2000
1060 e=0
1070 v=5000
1080 p$="the bronx"
1090 g=0
1100 i=100
1110 m=0
1120 n=0
1130 o=0
1140 u=0
1150 t=0
1160 q=0
1170 gosub 870
1180 goto 1200
1190 rem->menu
1200 print chr$(147)
1210 gosub 720
1220 gosub 150
1230 poke 214,1:poke 211,3:sys 58640:print chr$(18)"day: "d
1240 poke 214,1:poke 211,17:sys 58640:print chr$(18)"location: "p$
1250 print
1260 print "(c)heck prices"
1270 print "(t)renchcoat"
1280 print "(b)uy"
1290 print "(s)ell"
1300 print "(j)et"
1310 print "see (l)oan shark"
1320 print "(v)isit bank"
1330 print
1340 input "please make your selection: ";x$
1350 if x$ = "c" goto 1440
1360 if x$ = "t" goto 1580
1370 if x$ = "b" goto 1720
1380 if x$ = "s" goto 1930
1390 if x$ = "j" goto 2170
1400 if x$ = "l" goto 2420
1410 if x$ = "v" goto 2560
1420 goto 1200
1430 rem->prices
1440 print chr$(147)
1450 gosub 150
1460 gosub 320:print chr$(18)"prices"
1470 print
1480 print"cocaine:","$"c
1490 print"heroin:","$"h
1500 print"acid:","$"a
1510 print"weed:","$"z
1520 print"speed:","$"s
1530 print"ludes:","$"l
1540 print"wallet:","$"w
1550 gosub 190
1560 goto 1200
1570 rem->inventory
1580 print chr$(147)
1590 gosub 150
1600 gosub 260 :print chr$(18)"trenchcoat"
1610 print
1620 print"cocaine:",m
1630 print"heroin:",n
1640 print"acid:",o
1650 print"weed:",u
1660 print"speed:",t
1670 print"ludes:",q
1680 print"free space:",f
1690 gosub 190
1700 goto 1200
1710 rem->buy
1720 print chr$(147)
1730 gosub 150
1740 gosub 350: print chr$(18)"buy"
1750 print
1760 print"what do you want to buy?"
1770 print
1780 print "(c)ocaine"
1790 print "(h)eroin"
1800 print "(a)cid"
1810 print "(w)eed"
1820 print "(s)peed"
1830 print "(l)udes"
1840 input "enter selection: ";x$
1850 if x$="c" goto 2700
1860 if x$="h" goto 2790
1870 if x$="a" goto 2880
1880 if x$="w" goto 2970
1890 if x$="s" goto 3060
1900 if x$="l" goto 3150
1910 goto 1200
1920 rem->sell
1930 print chr$(147)
1940 gosub 150
1950 gosub 320: print chr$(18)"sell"
1960 print
1970 print "what would you like to sell?"
1980 print
1990 print "(c)ocaine"
2000 print "(h)eroin"
2010 print "(a)cid"
2020 print "(w)eed"
2030 print "(s)peed"
2040 print "(l)udes"
2050 rem->sellsel
2060 input "enter selection: (0 to cancel)";x$
2070 if x$="c" goto 3240
2080 if x$="h" goto 3340
2090 if x$="a" goto 3440
2100 if x$="w" goto 3540
2110 if x$="s" goto 3640
2120 if x$="l" goto 3740
2130 if x$="0" goto 1200
2140 print "invalid selection!"
2150 goto 2060
2160 rem->jet
2170 print chr$(147)
2180 gosub 150
2190 gosub 380
2200 print
2210 print "(b)ronx"
2220 print "(g)hetto"
2230 print "(c)entral park
2240 print "(m)anhattan"
2250 print "coney (i)sland"
2260 print "broo(k)lyn"
2270 print "(o)ops...stay!"
2280 input "where to dude? ";x$
2290 if x$="b" then y$ = "the bronx" : goto 2380
2300 if x$="g" then y$ = "the ghetto" : goto 2380
2310 if x$="c" then y$ = "central park" : goto 2380
2320 if x$="m" then y$ = "manhattan" : goto 2380
2330 if x$="i" then y$ = "coney island" : goto 2380
2340 if x$="k" then y$ = "brooklyn" : goto 2380
2350 if x$="o" then goto 1200
2360 goto 2170
2370 rem->jetb
2380 if y$=p$ then goto 3840
2390 p$ = y$ : y$ = ""
2400 goto 3930
2410 rem->loan
2420 print chr$(147)
2430 gosub 150
2440 gosub 260:print chr$(18)"loan shark"
2450 print
2460 gosub 810
2470 print "your debt is: $";v
2480 print "you have: $";w
2490 print
2500 input "(r)epay, (b)orrow, (l)eave: ";x$
2510 if x$ = "r" then goto 6540
2520 if x$ = "b" then goto 6630
2530 if x$ = "l" then goto 1200
2540 goto 2420
2550 rem->bank
2560 print chr$(147)
2570 gosub 150
2580 gosub 230: print chr$(18)"bank o'murica"
2590 print
2600 gosub 810
2610 print "your balance: $";e
2620 print "your wallet: $";w
2630 print
2640 input "(d)eposit, (w)ithdraw, (l)eave: ";x$
2650 if x$ = "d" then goto 6760
2660 if x$ = "w" then goto 6860
2670 if x$ = "l" then goto 1200
2680 goto 2560
2690 rem->cokebuy
2700 print chr$(147)
2710 gosub 150
2720 gosub 260: print chr$(18)"buy cocaine"
2730 print
2740 j=int(w/c)
2750 gosub 540
2760 m=m+k : w=w-(c*k)
2770 goto 1200
2780 rem->herbuy
2790 print chr$(147)
2800 gosub 150
2810 gosub 260: print chr$(18)"buy heroin"
2820 print
2830 j=int(w/h)
2840 gosub 540
2850 n=n+k : w=w-(h*k)
2860 goto 1200
2870 rem->acidbuy
2880 print chr$(147)
2890 gosub 150
2900 gosub 290:print chr$(18)"buy acid"
2910 print
2920 j=int(w/a)
2930 gosub 540
2940 o=o+k : w=w-(a*k)
2950 goto 1200
2960 rem->weedbuy
2970 print chr$(147)
2980 gosub 150
2990 gosub 290: print chr$(18)"buy weed"
3000 print
3010 j=int(w/z)
3020 gosub 540
3030 u=u+k : w=w-(z*k)
3040 goto 1200
3050 rem->spdbuy
3060 print chr$(147)
3070 gosub 150
3080 gosub 290: print chr$(18)"buy speed"
3090 print
3100 j=int(w/s)
3110 gosub 540
3120 t=t+k : w=w-(s*k)
3130 goto 1200
3140 rem->ludbuy
3150 print chr$(147)
3160 gosub 150
3170 gosub 290: print chr$(18)"buy ludes"
3180 print
3190 j=int(w/l)
3200 gosub 540
3210 q=q+k : w=w-(l*k)
3220 goto 1200
3230 rem->cokesell
3240 print chr$(147)
3250 gosub 150
3260 gosub 230:print chr$(18)"sell cocaine"
3270 print
3280 j=m
3290 gosub 640
3300 m=m-k
3310 w=w+(c*k)
3320 goto 1200
3330 rem->hersell
3340 print chr$(147)
3350 gosub 150
3360 gosub 290:print chr$(18)"sell heroin"
3370 print
3380 j=n
3390 gosub 640
3400 n=n-k
3410 w=w+(h*k)
3420 goto 1200
3430 rem->acidsell
3440 print chr$(147)
3450 gosub 150
3460 gosub 290: print chr$(18)"sell acid"
3470 print
3480 j=o
3490 gosub 640
3500 o=o-k
3510 w=w+(a*k)
3520 goto 1200
3530 rem->weedsell
3540 print chr$(147)
3550 gosub 150
3560 gosub 290:print chr$(18)"sell weed"
3570 print
3580 j=u
3590 gosub 640
3600 u=u-k
3610 w=w+(z*k)
3620 goto 1200
3630 rem->spdsell
3640 print chr$(147)
3650 gosub 150
3660 gosub 260:print chr$(18)"sell speed"
3670 print
3680 j=t
3690 gosub 640
3700 t=t-k
3710 w=w+(s*k)
3720 goto 1200
3730 rem->ludsell
3740 print chr$(147)
3750 gosub 150
3760 gosub 260:print chr$(18)"sell ludes"
3770 print
3780 j=q
3790 gosub 640
3800 q=q-k
3810 w=w+(l*k)
3820 goto 1200
3830 rem->alreadythere
3840 print chr$(147)
3850 gosub 150
3860 gosub 380
3870 print
3880 print "you're already in:"
3890 print " ";p$
3900 gosub 500
3910 goto 2170
3920 rem->subway
3930 print chr$(147)
3940 gosub 870
3950 v=int(v*1.1+.5)
3960 e=int(e*1.06+.5)
3970 gosub 150
3980 gosub 320:print chr$(18)"subway"
3990 print
4000 if b=1 then goto 4250
4010 if b=2 then goto 4300
4020 if b=3 then goto 4350
4030 if b=4 then goto 4410
4040 if b=5 then goto 4410
4050 if b=6 then goto 4470
4060 if b=7 then goto 4470
4070 if b=8 then goto 4530
4080 if b=9 then goto 4630
4090 if b=10 then goto 4630
4100 if b=11 then goto 4630
4110 if b=12 then goto 6020
4120 if b=13 then goto 6020
4130 if b=14 then goto 6160
4140 if b=15 then goto 6230
4150 if b=16 then goto 6310
4160 if b=17 then goto 6480
4170 rem->nothinghappened
4180 rem->nothinghappens
4190 print
4200 print "welcome to ";p$
4210 print
4220 gosub 500
4230 goto 1200
4240 rem->cheapludes
4250 print "rival dealers are selling cheap ludes!"
4260 l=2
4270 gosub 500
4280 goto 1200
4290 rem->cheepweed
4300 print "weed prices have bottomed-out!"
4310 z=122
4320 gosub 500
4330 goto 1200
4340 rem->pigheroin
4350 print "pigs are selling cheap heroin"
4360 print "from last week's raid!"
4370 h=int((rnd(9)*1150)+850.5)
4380 gosub 500
4390 goto 1200
4400 rem->heroinbust
4410 print "addicts are buying heroin"
4420 print "at outrageous prices!"
4430 h=int((rnd(9)*25000)+18000.5)
4440 gosub 500
4450 goto 1200
4460 rem->cokebust
4470 print "pigs made a big coke bust!"
4480 print "prices are outrageous!!!!"
4490 c=int((rnd(9)*60000)+80000.5)
4500 gosub 500
4510 goto 1200
4520 rem->mugged
4530 print "you got mugged!"
4540 print
4550 j=int(w/3)
4560 j=int(j*2)
4570 k=int(w-j)
4580 print "you lost $";k
4590 w=j
4600 gosub 500
4610 gosub 1200
4620 rem->cops
4630 k=m+n+u+o+t+p
4640 if k<50 then goto 4180
4650 if b=9 then b = 2
4660 if b=10 then b=4
4670 if b=11 then b=5
4680 print "it's the cops!"
4690 print
4700 print "officer hardass and ";b-1;" of his"
4710 print "deputies are after you!"
4720 print
4730 gosub 500
4740 goto 4760
4750 rem->police
4760 print chr$(147)
4770 gosub 150
4780 gosub 750
4790 print
4800 print
4810 print "view (g)uns"
4820 print "view (d)amage"
4830 print "(n)umber of pigs"
4840 print "(r)un"
4850 print "(f)ight"
4860 print
4870 input "what do you want to do? ";x$
4880 if x$="g" goto 4950
4890 if x$ = "d" goto 5050
4900 if x$ = "n" goto 5170
4910 if x$ = "r" goto 5280
4920 if x$="f" goto 5450
4930 goto 4760
4940 rem->pgun
4950 print chr$(147)
4960 gosub 150
4970 gosub 750
4980 print
4990 print
5000 print "you have ";g;" guns.
5010 print
5020 gosub 190
5030 goto 4760
5040 rem->damage
5050 print chr$(147)
5060 gosub 150
5070 gosub 750
5080 print
5090 print
5100 print "your current damage is ";bb;"."
5110 print
5120 print "50 and you die!"
5130 print
5140 gosub 190
5150 goto 4760
5160 rem->ncops
5170 print chr$(147)
5180 gosub 150
5190 gosub 750
5200 print
5210 print
5220 print "there are ";b;" pigs still chasing you!"
5230 print
5240 print
5250 gosub 190
5260 goto 4760
5270 rem->run
5280 print chr$(147)
5290 gosub 150
5300 gosub 750
5310 print
5320 print
5330 print "running..."
5340 gosub 410
5350 if k = 0 then print "you lost them in an alley!" : goto 5410
5360 print "you can't shake them!"
5370 print
5380 gosub 190
5390 goto 4760
5400 rem->loserun
5410 print
5420 gosub 190
5430 goto 1200
5440 rem->fight
5450 if g>0 then goto 5510
5460 print
5470 print "you don't have any guns!"
5480 gosub 190
5490 goto 4760
5500 rem->fightc
5510 print chr$(147)
5520 gosub 150
5530 gosub 750
5540 print
5550 print "you shoot!"
5560 gosub 410
5570 if k=0 then goto 5600
5580 print "you got one!" : b = b-1 : goto 5620
5590 rem->miss
5600 print "you missed!"
5610 rem->next
5620 print
5630 print
5640 if b <= 0 then goto 5840
5650 gosub 460
5660 print "they're firing at you!"
5670 gosub 410
5680 if k=0 then goto 5740
5690 print "you've been hit!"
5700 bb=bb+3
5710 if bb >= 50 goto 5790
5720 goto 5760
5730 rem->theymiss
5740 print "they missed!"
5750 rem->nexta
5760 gosub 190
5770 goto 4760
5780 rem->ded
5790 print
5800 print "you've been killed!"
5810 gosub 190
5820 goto 7400
5830 rem->allgone
5840 print "you killed all of them!"
5850 print
5860 gosub 410
5870 j=int(((rnd(7)*1250)+750)+.5)
5880 w=w+j
5890 print "you found $";j;" on officer hardass'"
5900 print "carcass!"
5910 if w>=1200 then goto 5940
5920 goto 1200
5930 rem->doctor
5940 gosub 500
5950 print
5960 print "will you pay $1000 for a doctor"
5970 input "to sew you up? (y/n)";x$
5980 if x$ <> "y" then goto 1200
5990 w=w-1000
6000 bb=0
6010 rem->gunbuy
6020 if w < 500 then goto 4180
6030 gosub 720
6040 if f < 5 then goto 4180
6050 j=int((rnd(4)*2)+.5)
6060 if j = 0 then y$ = "baretta"
6070 if j = 1 then y$ = "saturday night special"
6080 if j = 2 then y$ = ".44 magnum"
6090 print "will you buy a ";y$
6100 input "for $400? (y/n)";x$
6110 if x$ <> "y" then goto 1200
6120 g = g+1
6130 w = w-400
6140 goto 1200
6150 rem->dedweed
6160 print "there's some weed here that smells"
6170 print "like good stuff!!"
6180 print
6190 input "will you smoke it? (y/n)";x$
6200 if x$ = "y" then goto 7270
6210 goto1200
6220 rem->newcoat
6230 if w<300 then goto 4190
6240 print "will you buy a new trenchcoat"
6250 input "with more pockets for $200? (y/n)";x$
6260 if x$ <> "y" then goto 1200
6270 i=i+10
6280 w=w-200
6290 goto 1200
6300 rem->dedguy
6310 gosub 720
6320 if f<8 then goto 4190
6330 j=int((rnd(3)*7)+1.5)
6340 k=int(rnd(3)*5+.5)
6350 if k=0 then q=q+j : y$ = "ludes"
6360 if k=1 then t=t+j : y$ = "speed"
6370 if k=2 then u=u+j : y$ = "weed"
6380 if k=3 then o=o+j : y$ = "acid"
6390 if k=4 then n=n+j : y$ = "heroin"
6400 if k=5 then m=m+j : y$ = "cocaine"
6410 print "you found ";j;" units of"
6420 print " ";y$
6430 print "on a dead dude in the subway!"
6440 print
6450 gosub 500
6460 goto 1200
6470 rem->homeacid
6480 print "the market has been flooded"
6490 print "with cheap home-made acid!"
6500 a=int((rnd(4)*550)+250.5)
6510 gosub 500
6520 goto 1200
6530 rem->payme
6540 input "repay how much? ";k
6550 if k>w then print:print "you don't have that much!" : gosub 460 : goto 2420
6560 if k>v then print:print "you don't owe that much!" : gosub 460 : goto 2420
6570 w=w-k
6580 v=v-k
6590 print:print "thank you."
6600 gosub 500
6610 goto 1200
6620 rem->borrow
6630 print
6640 input "how much do you want? ";k
6650 print
6660 j=int((rnd(10)*10000)+5000)
6670 if k>14000 then print "he's not that stupid!" : gosub 500 : goto 1200
6680 if k > j then print "he doesn't feel like it." : gosub 460 : goto 1200
6690 v=v+k
6700 w=w+k
6710 print
6720 print "here's your money." : print : print "remember, i break thumbs."
6730 gosub 500
6740 goto 1200
6750 rem->deposit
6760 print
6770 input "how much? ";j
6780 if j>w then print "you don't have that much cash." : goto 6760
6790 e=e+j
6800 w=w-j
6810 print
6820 print "thank you for your deposit."
6830 gosub 500
6840 goto 1200
6850 rem->mymoney
6860 print
6870 input "how much? ";j
6880 if j>e then print "you don't have sufficient funds." : goto 6860
6890 e=e-j
6900 w=w+j
6910 print
6920 print "thank you for your business."
6930 gosub 500
6940 goto 1200
6950 rem->instructions
6960 print chr$(147)
6970 poke 211,3:sys 58640:print "welcome to drugwar/64 version";rv
6980 poke 211,5:sys 58640: print "ported from drugwar//e v 1.03":?:?:?:?:?
6990 ?: ? : poke 211,5:sys 58640:? "based on the ti-basic clone of"
7000 poke 211,7:sys 58640:print "john e. dell's 1984 drugwar"
7010 poke 211,11:sys 58640:print "for ibm and trs-80":?:?
7020 ?:?:poke 211,6:sys 58640:?"applesoft version by jay moore"
7030 poke 211,10:sys 58640: print "c64 port by jay moore"
7040 poke 211,1 : poke 214,23 : sys 58640
7050 input "would you like instructions? (y/n)";x$
7060 j=rnd(-ti)
7070 if x$ = "y" then goto 7100
7080 goto 1050
7090 rem->inst
7100 print chr$(147)
7110 gosub 150
7120 print
7130 print "this is a game of buying and selling."
7140 print "your goal is to pay off your debt and"
7150 print "make as much money as possible in a one"
7160 print "month period. prices fluctuate every day"
7170 print "and interest on your loan is calculated as well."
7180 print:print "if you deal too heavily, you'll attract the attention"
7190 print "of the police."
7200 print
7210 print "commands are entered using the letter"
7220 print "highlighted (l)ike (s)o. y is yes and"
7230 print "anything counts as no."
7240 gosub 190
7250 goto 1050
7260 rem->weedend
7270 print chr$(147)
7280 gosub 150
7290 gosub 230: print chr$(18)"smoke weed"
7300 print "you hallucinate on the wildest trip"
7310 print "of your life, stumble on to the tracks,"
7320 print "and get creamed by a train!"
7330 print
7340 print
7350 poke 211,7:sys 58640:? "just say no to drugs!"
7360 gosub 500
7370 gosub 460
7380 goto 7540
7390 rem->endgame
7400 print chr$(147)
7410 gosub 150
7420 gosub 990
7430 gosub 780
7440 print
7450 print "your score on a scale of 1 to 100: ";k
7460 print
7470 input "would you like to play again? (y/n)";x$
7480 if x$ = "y" then goto 1050
7490 print "thanks for playing."
7500 print "remember, watch your back."
7510 print "have a nice day!"
7520 end
7530 rem->ironicend
7540 print chr$(147)
7550 gosub 150
7560 gosub 780
7570 print
7580 print "you died from smoking weed."
7590 print
7600 print
7610 gosub 500: print"see? games are totally fake."
7620 print
7630 input "would you like to play again? ";x$
7640 if x$= "y" then goto 1050
7650 end