@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ remote control function.
The basic idea is parallel the actuator contacts of 5 DPDT (or DPST) relays and flip them on one at a time (two
for phono).
[*Click for full resolution.*][/images/schematic.png]]
Click for full resolution.
Data is shifted in to a 74HC595 and it's parallel outputs are used to control a ULN2803(or 2003) darlington array to
in turn drive a relay. The output of the 74HC595 is controlled by the microcontroller and an RC circuit on the reset
@ -83,19 +84,11 @@ This is a previous revision of the hardware before the power-on reset circuit wa
represented by the standard arrangement of LEDs with current-limiting resistors. This is literally all that's required during
development since I'm already very familiar with the 2803 as a driver.
I'm horrible at making videos in general...but I still made an attempt to show things off.
I'm horrible at making videos in general...but I still made an attempt to show things off. Youtube embedding is apparently
broken and I don't feel like putting a gig worth of video in the repository, so you'll just have to use links.
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[First Video: General Overview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_sLnnsZ7Qg)
[Now I've Got A Remote Control](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I30OaMii4l4)
# License