@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
Denon PMA-770 (and others) Arduino Control

Arduino Control for Your Vintage Stereo
# History
@ -9,11 +10,18 @@ Denon PMA-770 (and others) Arduino Control
30-Dec-2019: Version 0.1.2 - Controls ShiftReset and OutputEnable on 595 to prevent random start-up state.
30-Dec-2019: Version 0.1.3 - Removed ShiftReset function. Replaced with reset circuit onboard.
01-Jan-2020: Added license, media, and proper README.
04-Jan-2020: Version 0.1.4 - Changed project name. Removed 1602 display code. Added 128x32 OLED code
# About
HiFiLOGIX is an Arduino Sketch to add modern logic control to vintage analog stereo systems. It is being
built and developed around my own personal vintage amplifier; the Denon PMA-770. It is written by a guy
who knows a lot about analog audio circuits and virtually nothing about Arduino.
# About the PMA-770 & Why This Exists
The Denon PMA-770 is a high-end integrated amplfier from the early 80's capable of the usual 100 watts into
8 ohms; and somewhere in the neighborhood of 120 to 140 in to a 4 ohm load. It's a DC coupled amplifier of
"Direct-A" topology. It's got 3 pairs of output transistors, no capacitors in the audio path, and it sounds
@ -38,7 +46,7 @@ remote control function.
# Hardware
The basic idea is parallel the actuator contacts of 5 DPDT (or DPST) relays and flip them on one at a time (two
The basic idea is parallel the actuator contacts of DPDT (or DPST) relays and flip them on one at a time (two
for phono).
@ -67,22 +75,26 @@ the phono-stage.
An 1838 IR sensor is used for remote control function. An additional utility may be written to help with this going forward
but it's possible I may wind up writing a routine for "self-programming".
Currently I am using an I2C 1602 display just for development purposes. This will be replaced with a 128x32 I2C OLED display
in the future. This display is just a little larger than the display in the Denon; so it shouldn't be any issue to mount it
and format everything to appear in the actual visible space. It is not shown on the schematic; however it is just connected
to 5V, GND, SDA, and SCL lines.
As of Version 0.1.4 we now support the SSD1306 based 128x32 OLED Display.
In the future I will be adding some kind of NVRam storage. This will facilitate actually storing configuration options, remote
programming codes, and to store the last-used input. I may also use this to store graphic data for the OLED display to
emulate the original segmented font display of the Denon.
# Software
This sketch requires the following libaries:
- IRRemote (https://github.com/z3t0/Arduino-IRremote)
- U8G2 Display Driver (https://github.com/olikraus/u8g2)
Please install them via Library Manager or however you install libaries. Check indvidual project pages for LICENSE info.
# Media
[*Prototype & Development Build*
This is a previous revision of the hardware before the power-on reset circuit was added to the 74HC595. The parallel data is
represented by the standard arrangement of LEDs with current-limiting resistors. This is literally all that's required during
development since I'm already very familiar with the 2803 as a driver.
This is the most current prototype featuring a 128x32 OLED and a ULN2003 driving actual relays. It is known as hardware
revision 1.3.
I'm horrible at making videos in general...but I still made an attempt to show things off. Youtube embedding is apparently
broken and I don't feel like putting a gig worth of video in the repository, so you'll just have to use links.
@ -91,6 +103,8 @@ broken and I don't feel like putting a gig worth of video in the repository, so
[Now I've Got A Remote Control](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I30OaMii4l4)
[OLED, Relay Control, and HiFiLOGIX] (https://youtu.be/vn3nhpWjckw)
# License
Copyright 2020 Jay Moore