@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ void DontCrossTheStreams(byte op, int x, int i) // There's something
u8g2.clearBuffer(); // it stopping instaneously
u8g2.drawStr(x,30,txt); // and every molecule in
u8g2.sendBuffer(); // your body exploding
EEPROM.update(db, op); // at the speed of light.
EEPROM.update(dx, x); // Total protonic reversal.
EEPROM.update(di, i); // That's bad.
//EEPROM.update(db, op); // at the speed of light.
//EEPROM.update(dx, x); // Total protonic reversal.
//EEPROM.update(di, i); // That's bad.
} // Important safety tip, thanks Egon.