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HiFiLOGIX 0.2.0 (Fix 1)
| - 12-JAN-2019
As of 0.2.0 EEPROM support is no longer considered to be beta and has been
fully integrated in to the main build. You should be aware of the following:
It uses EEPROM addresses 1020 - 1023
It will erase any data you may have there during the initilization routine.
If your EEPROM is smaller, or you don't want to use 1020 - 1023; then you'll
need to change their #define to match what you want/need.
Pin 2 is used for the hardware interrupt trigger that writes the data. It's
set to run fall. This will be done in hardware by isolating a capacitor for
the Arduino and tying pin 2 to the part of the power supply that will drop
first. The reserve current should last long enough to update the values before
#include <Wire.h>
#include <U8g2lib.h>
#include <IRremote.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
#define di 1022
#define dx 1021
#define db 1020
#define dt 1023
#include "logo.h" // XBMP data for logo.
U8G2_SSD1306_128X32_UNIVISION_F_HW_I2C u8g2(U8G2_R0, U8X8_PIN_NONE);
const char in0[] PROGMEM = "TAPE-2";
const char in1[] PROGMEM = "TAPE-1";
const char in2[] PROGMEM = "AUX";
const char in3[] PROGMEM = "TUNER";
const char in4[] PROGMEM = "PHONO-1";
const char in5[] PROGMEM = "PHONO-2";
const char * const inputs[] PROGMEM ={in0,in1,in2,in3,in4,in5};
// scl to pin 28
// sdl pin 27
int latchPin = 11; // 328 pin 17 - 595 pin 12
int clockPin = 9; // 15 - pin 11
int dataPin = 12; // 18 - 14
int IRin = 7; //13
int blanking = 5; // 11
int matrix = A1; // 23
byte eop = 0;
byte ex = 0;
byte ei = 0;
IRrecv remote(IRin);
decode_results ircode;
char txt[8];
void DontCrossTheStreams(byte op, byte x, byte i) // There's something very important I forgot to tell you.
{ // Don't cross the streams.
strcpy_P(txt, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(inputs[i]))); // Why?
digitalWrite(latchPin, LOW); // It would be bad.
shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, LSBFIRST, op); // What do you mean, bad?
digitalWrite(latchPin, HIGH); // Imagine all life as you know
u8g2.clearBuffer(); // it stopping instaneously
u8g2.drawStr(x,30,txt); // and every molecule in
u8g2.sendBuffer(); // your body exploding
eop = op; ex = x; ei = i; // at the speed of light.
// Total protonic reversal. // That's bad.
}// Important safety tip, thanks Egon.
void eeprominit() { // This checks the EEPROM to see if it's
// been initialized by the code before.
if ( == 'F') { // Check address 1023 for init flag "T"
} else {
EEPROM.write(db, 16);
EEPROM.write(dx, 32);
EEPROM.write(di, 2);
EEPROM.write(dt, 'F');
void lastbreath() { // The idea here is to throw a large capacitor on to the voltage rail
EEPROM.write(db, eop); // powering the Arduino; but keep it from powering anything else.
EEPROM.write(dx, ex); // Monitor the "other" 5V rail with pin 2 and trigger an interrupt
EEPROM.write(di, ei); // and rely on the caps charge to keep charge long enough to write.
void annoyingtrick() {
u8g2.clearBuffer(); // it stopping instaneously
u8g2.drawStr(22,30,"RAVE"); // and every molecule in
for (int b = 0; b <=20000; b++){
byte trick = 0;
trick = random(1,127);
digitalWrite(latchPin, LOW); // It would be bad.
shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, LSBFIRST, trick); // What do you mean, bad?
digitalWrite(latchPin, HIGH);
void setup()
pinMode(latchPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(dataPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(clockPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(blanking, OUTPUT);
u8g2.firstPage(); // Logo is now bitmapped and since I only call it
do { // once, it doesn't need it's own function.
} while ( u8g2.nextPage() );
delay(2000); // It takes the Denon about 4.5 seconds to kick speakers on.
DontCrossTheStreams(,,; // Read settings stored in EEPROM.
digitalWrite(blanking,HIGH); // Now drives a logic inverter.
attachInterrupt (digitalPinToInterrupt(2), lastbreath, FALLING); // Write the values before your cap discharges!
attachInterrupt (digitalPinToInterrupt(2), lastbreath, CHANGE); // Write the values before your cap discharges!
attachInterrupt (digitalPinToInterrupt(2), lastbreath, LOW);
void loop()
int mx = analogRead(matrix);
byte icode = 0; // I changed how I handed the inputs.
if (remote.decode(&ircode)) {
icode = ircode.value;
// I don't know if it improves things, but I sure like how much smaller this section is.
if ((mx > 850 && mx < 860) || (icode == 0x97)) DontCrossTheStreams(64,10,0); // The code I originally used to figure out my
if ((mx > 2 && mx < 5) || (icode == 0x67)) DontCrossTheStreams(32,10,1); // remote codes returned 3 bytes in hex. I can't
if ((mx > 45 && mx < 50) || (icode == 0x4F)) DontCrossTheStreams(16,32,2); // remember what that code was, but I only need
if ((mx > 950 && mx < 970) || (icode == 0xCF)) DontCrossTheStreams(8,18,3); // the last bit with the remote I'm using.
if ((mx > 22 && mx < 30) || (icode == 0xE7)) DontCrossTheStreams(6,1,4); // I'm working on making the bare-bones utility I
if ((mx > 990 && mx < 1010) || (icode == 0x85)) DontCrossTheStreams(5,1,5); // wrote a bit more user-friendly.
if (icode == 0xAD) annoyingtrick();