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title: Just Testing
layout: post
date: 2022-08-31 00:34:17
permalink: /blog/2022/AUG/31-just-testing.php
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Does this look like a color logo?
<p style="color:yellow;">_</p> <p style="color:red;">_</p><br>
<p style="color:yellow;">(_)</p> <p style="color:red;">| |</p><br>
<p style="color:red;"> _ __ _ ___| | __</p><p style="color:blue;">_ __ ___ _ _ </p> <p style="color:green;"> ___ _ __ __ _</p><br>
<p style="color:red;">| '_ \| |/ __| |/ /</p><p style="color:blue;"> '_ ` _ \| | | |</p><p style="color:green;"> / _ \| '__/ _` |</p><br>
<p style="color:red;">| |_) | | (__| <</p><p style="color:blue;">| | | | | | |_| |</p><p style="color:green;">| (_) | | | (_| |</p><br>
<p style="color:red;">| .__/|_|\___|_|\_\</p><p style="color:blue;">_| |_| |_|\__, </p><p style="color:yellow;">(_)</p><p style="color:green;">___/|_| \__, |</p><br>
<p style="color:red;">| |</p> <p style="color:blue;">__/ |</p> <p style="color:green;">__/ |</p><br>
<p style="color:red;">|_|</p> <p style="color:blue;">|___/</p> <p style="color:green;">|___/</p><br>