Hope this works.

Jay 3 years ago
parent 1025a3aff1
commit 2fb634a162

@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ header_pages:
footer: '<a href="https://git.pickmy.org/dewdude/pickmy-dot-org-jekyll-site">site source</a> | powered by xcp-ng | twitter: <a href="https://twitter.com/music_onhold">@Music_OnHold</a>'
permalink: /:categories/:year/:title:output_ext
theme: jekyll-theme-console
style: hacker # dark (default) or light
#listen_for_clients_preferred_style: true # true or false (default)

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
layout: post
title: "First Article Moved"
permalink: /blog/2022/AUG/24-firstarticlemoved.php
date: 2022-08-24 03:02:00
I moved the one published PBX related article over to [/pbx](/pbx). It was taken out of the Jekyll export of the Wordpress site. Those are going to require a lot of work. There's a lot of WP junk to filter out.

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
layout: post
title: "Bad Post?"
permalink: /blog/2022/AUG/24-badpost.php
date: 2022-08-24 17:10:00

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
layout: post
title: "Fixed"
permalink: /blog/2022/AUG/24-fixed.php
date: 2022-08-24 03:01:00
After realizing I'd made a couple of boneheaded moves; /blog, /pbx, and /dev all work as they should.

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
layout: post
title: "Stupid .bashrc"
permalink: /blog/2022/AUG/24-stupidbashrc.php
date: 2022-08-24 03:00:00

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
title: Composer Test
layout: post
date: 2022-08-25 20:30:23
permalink: /blog/2022/AUG/25-composertest.php
excerpt_separator: <!--more-->

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
layout: post
title: "Liquid Gets Processed First"
permalink: /blog/2022/AUG/25-liquidgetsprocessedfirst.php
date: 2022-08-25 02:35:00

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: newtest
layout: post
date: 2022-08-30 00:23:51
permalink: /blog/2022/AUG/30-newtest.php
excerpt_separator: <!--more-->
This is a test of the new changes to the composer.

@ -16,12 +16,13 @@ file=blog$$.md
shift 1
# Read everything else as title.
fd=$(date +'%Y/%^b/%d')
# Let's write the front matter to our temp file.
printf -- "---\ntitle: $title\nlayout: post\ndate: $pd $pt\nexcerpt_separator: <!--more-->\n---\n\n" >> $file
printf -- "---\ntitle: $title\nlayout: post\ndate: $pd $pt\npermalink:/$category/$fd-$t.php\nexcerpt_separator: <!--more-->\n---\n\n" >> $file
# Write the post in whatever editor you want.
nano + $file
# Make a lowercase copy of title.
# Move the file to category/_posts replacing spaces with hyphen
mv $file $category/_posts/$pd-${t// /-}.md
# Display some output to verify it's done.

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ date: '2020-09-12T19:57:44+00:00'
author: dewdude
layout: page
list: bullet
permalink: /dev/2020/SEP/12-tunneledipv6.php
While most of the major ISPs are starting to support IPv6; some of us on the old Ma Bell leftovers are still waiting. Sure, theyll run a fiber-optic line all the way to my house and pump me more bandwidth than I know what to do with; but if you want that to carry IPv6 youre out of luck. While IPv6 tunneling was popular in the very early days when no ISP offered it; it is still very much a thing and a lot of people who require IPv6 still use it. Granted most of the IPv6-only stuff I see isnt anything important; it was something Id wanted to play around with and in fact did so on a couple of occasions. But doing a single tunnel connection to just my PC wasnt what I considered “complex enough” to satisfy my need to learn something. I wanted to provide the tunnel connection to my entire LAN; full automatic configuration of every IPv6 capable device.

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
layout: post
title: "Converting To Jekyll"
date: 2022-08-24 17:08:00
permalink: /dev/2022/AUG/24-covertingtojekyll.php
excerpt_separator: <!--more-->

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
title: New Index Tweaks
layout: post
date: 2022-08-25 04:00:00
permalink: /dev/2022/AUG/25-newindex.php
excerpt_separator: <!--more-->

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
title: pickmy.org:~$
layout: default
permalink: /
permalink: /index.php
# Welcome To The New pickmy.org

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
title: 'Asterisk: Call Queues & Agents (Building a call-in show)'
date: '2021-12-18 06:33:28'
layout: page
output_ext: php
permalink: /pbx/2021/DEC/18-callqueus.php
Quite some time ago I started playing with AsteriskPBX. I havent yet written a detailed account of how this came to be, so let me sum it up. I originally wanted to convert my house phones in to a hybrid VOIP setup. I only have an analog (FXS) port coming from my fiber terminal, despite the fact its technically a VoIP service. I also didnt want to spend hundreds of dollars on cordless handsets to replace the existing collection of handsets; but I wanted the ability to be called down in the shack over ethernet since cordless DECT doesnt reach there very well.

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
title: Composer Test
layout: post
date: 2022-08-25 20:26:15
excerpt_separator: <!--more-->
This is a composer test. I will delete it later.