As I suspected, things were actually working as intended with that post; it's just I didn't know how they worked. Liquid gets processed before markdown. Simple fix.
As many of you probably noticed, our layout got more simplistic, smaller, and reminiscent of the 90's. I could make a joke about I'm a ham so I'm legally obligated to build websites like it's 1992; but that's not the truth. The truth is I like this minimalistic terminal inspired design. Is it the one I wanted? No. I found several terminal themed Hugo themes that were better. But Hugo was a pain. we are.
{% raw %}
# "It's all static sites now."
Years ago I remember static sites were the norm. Sure, you had PHP and some CGI stuff; but websites were still a largely static affair. You had a webroot, all your files were there, and all URLs were relative to that. I could barely configure a webserver back then...but I could hack something together in front page, add the Blogger tags in the right places and make a site. Then...I don't know...13 years ago or so; I got in to Wordpress. I was lazy. I just wanted to write content. It took all the work out of it, ya know. I just go on, write something, publish, and with everything rendered at load I didn't have to wonder if I updated the menu on 4000 HTML files.