Station Page Updated

I’ve finished updating the station page with previous rigs I owned along with pictures.

Sudden RF In The Shack

Updated since first posting

We all hear about it, we’ve probably experienced it, and we’ve all done our fair share of fighting with it. So what happens when RF decides to suddenly appear in your shack? How did I solve this latest problem? How the hell did I even notice it in the first place?

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Mirroring Page Up

I have completed (I hope) modifying all of VK7ZJA’s pages for mirroring and have created a page where I will list those and future mirrors. The link is in the sidebar/menu. 73.

Jason-VK7ZJA Has Passed

I have just received word that Jason/VK7ZJA passed away on the morning of 17-JAN-2023. I never spoke to him, but he did write a very detailed page of modifications and technical documentation for the Anytone 878 DMR HT; as well as a few others.

Though I currently don’t own one, I may in the future; and the amount of work and information Jason put on to the page is too valuable to lose. As a service to the ham community, I am mirroring his pages so that they may be reliably available in the future (or for however long I can keep my hosting). I am currently working my way through modifying all of his HTML pages to facilitate mirroring, removing external and unnecessary file hosting links, and adding SK notices. All of these will be collected on a page when the project is finished. However, the 878 page is complete.

Jason/VK7ZJA’s Anytone 878 Page

FT-1000MP MKV DVS-2 Article Posted

One of the reasons I started this site back up was to have a place to write about my experiences building a digital interface to the FT-1000MP MKV and some of the lessons learned while doing it. So it makes sense it was one of the first things I did after the long process of building the site.

Read it here.