My station is not much:
My main HF rig is a Yaesu FT-1000MP Mark-V with a MFJ-974HB Balanced Tuner. I built both a digital interface to the DVS-2
port as well as a TinyFSK keyer for FSK.
My antenna is a 72’ (21.9m) long center-fed doublet. It’s about 50’ (15.24m) up in the air supported by trees. The feedline held mostly vertical from the feed-point about 6’ (1.8m) from the ground using a line attached to the house. I originally built this doublet in 2018, and it stayed up until 2022 when the line hung up during a wind-storm and it tore the loop at the end. The feedline has had a few patches and pieces spliced in to it; but it’s window-line so it doesn’t affect performance. One leg had a cut/tear in the insulation close to the feed-point, so I did some pre-emptive work to prevent this from getting worse. It really shows up in the night shot as a blurry white spot.