#!/bin/bash #.013 alpha # de NQ4T (nq4t@nq4t.com) # SET THE HOSTNAME OR IP OF YOUR HOTSPOT! pidmr= # I HAVE TWO SO I SET TWO #pidstar= # grab copy of rendered bm_links.php from hotspot, convert HTML to newline, filter by "TG", remove timeslot info, convert to one line # check contents to see if we need to display 'no groups' message # if you are not using DMR, then comment these two lines out # to comment out, just add a pound-sign to the start of the line, like these comments. # You may need to change to https:// if you reverse proxy with SSL cert dmr=$(curl -s http://$pidmr/mmdvmhost/bm_links.php| sed 's/<[^>]\+>/\n/g' | grep '^TG' | sed 's/TG/#/g'| sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g' | sed 's/\s#/ \\·\<\/b\> #/g') [ -z "$dmr" ] && dmr="No Talkgroups Found" # do the same for dstar with repeaterinfo.php but just egrep for reflector prefix, strip HTML, keep the first 8 characters # check to see if we need to display not linked # if you are not using D-Star, comment these next two lines out. if you don't, the script will take longer to run. # If you modify what egrep looks for, you may get other modes to work. #dstar=$(curl -s http://$pidstar/mmdvmhost/repeaterinfo.php | egrep "REF|XRF|DCS|XLX" | sed 's/<[^>]\+>//g' | cut -b 1-8) #[ -z "$dstar" ] && dstar="Not Linked" # HTML for table cells on hotspot.php page. These are all one line even if they look like two in your editor. # This is for a 2x2 table using DMR and D-Star #printf "BM TG:\n$dmr
\n" # This is for a DMR only display. printf "BM TG:\n$dmr
\n" # This is for a D-STar Only Display # printf "D-Star:\n$dstar