#!/bin/bash #pistaprs - v?? #Jay Moore/NQ4T - https://git.pickmy.org/dewdude/pistaprs #Licensed under GPL-3.0-or-later # script activation/webui control #[ ! -s "/tmp/aprs" ] && exit # Script Configuration # Make sure you're really tested the script before you activate!!!!! activate=0 #GPS server IP/Port ip= port=50000 # Use GPSD? (0 = No, 1 = Yes) gpsd=0 # Android "gps tethering" app (or NMEA over IP)? gpstether=1 # Is 'GPS Tether' UDP? gpsudp=0 # APRS-IS user id user=URCALL # APRS-IS passcode password=1234 # APRS Object ID/SSID senduser=CALL-# # APRS Icon Selection (refer to pdf) # Standard table table="/" # Alternate Table - this MUST be double backslash or it won't work #table="\\" # Symbol - If your symbol is a backslash, you must double backslash. symbol=">" # What system are you running? (And if you say YSF then good luck pal.) # YSF is completely untested. #mode=dstar mode=dmr #mode=ysf # Why the hell did I have to add more GPS support? [ "$gpsd" = "$gpstether" ] && echo "Invalid GPS Configuration" && exit [ "$gpsd" -eq 1 ] && nema=$(gpspipe -n 9 -r "$ip:$port") [ "$gpstether" -eq 1 ] && [ "$gpsudp" -eq 1 ] && nema=$(timeout 3 ncat -u $ip $port) [ "$gpstether" -eq 1 ] && [ "$gpsudp" -eq 0 ] && nema=$(timeout 1 ncat $ip $port) # New filtering method for altitude and non-standard sentence names. rmc=$(printf "$nema" | sed -n '/$G.RMC/{p;q}') [ -z "$rmc" ] && echo "Better luck next time. (Or modify script for more gpspipe data.)" && exit gga=$(printf "$nema" | sed -n '/$G.GGA/{p;q}') # GPS Lock Check gpss=$(printf "$rmc" | cut -d ',' -f3) #[ "$gpss" = "V" ] && exit # GPS Coordinate Set lat=$(printf "$rmc" | awk -F, '{printf "%07.2f%c", $4, $5;}') [ -z "$lat" ] && echo "Latitude error?" && exit lon=$(printf "$rmc" | awk -F, '{printf "%08.2f%c", $6, $7;}') [ -z "$lon" ] && echo "Longitude error?" && exit # Set heading & speed hsp=$(printf "$rmc" | awk -F, '{printf "%03.0f%c%03.0f", $9, "/", $8}') # Altitude (aka literally the only reason we pull a $gpgga) altm=$(echo "$gga" | cut -d ',' -f10) ft=$(echo "/A=$(echo "$altm*3.280839895" | bc | xargs printf "%06.0f")") # DMR - Scrape for TGs and set comment. [ "$mode" = "dmr" ] && tg=$(curl -s| sed 's/<[^>]\+>/\n/g' | grep '^TG' | sed 's/TG/#/g'| sed 's/(.)//g' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ - /g') [ -z "$tg" ] && tg="No Talkgroups Found" comment="Brandmeister TGs: $tg" # DSTAR - Scrape for reflector and set comment. #[ "$mode" = "dstar" ] && comment="DStar "$(curl -s | egrep "Linked|linked" | sed 's/<[^>]\+>//g' | sed 's/L/l/') # Dear god why the hell are you using an entirely untested mode? #[ "$mode" = "ysf" ] && comment="YSF "$(curl -s | egrep "Linked|linked" | sed 's/<[^>]\+>//g' | sed 's/L/l/') # Here's how we hand-craft an APRS packet. (Who needs a client anyway?) #data="$senduser>APRS,TCPIP*:!$lat$table$lon$symbol$hsp hello. testing. $ft" data="$senduser>APRS,TCPIP*:!$lat$table$lon$symbol$hsp $comment $ft" # Send data to the terminal for testing [ "$activate" -eq 0 ] && printf "%s\n" "user $user pass $password" "$data" #printf "%s\n" "user $user pass $password" "$data" # Make sure output is sane before actually commiting to server. [ "$activate" -eq 1 ] && printf "%s\n" "user $user pass $password" "$data" | ncat rotate.aprs2.net 14580