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# Synology sucks so I have to do some gross hacks.
# Both of these are already mounted as /volumeUSBn/usbshare
# But fuck it, we'll mount them by UUID again.
mount -U 6a748cf9-e31c-430c-9017-e2709338495d /volume1/main/video
mount -U 8681ad07-6f73-4faa-9424-a84283985483 /volume1/main/gen
# Fuck their samba share configuation.
mv /etc/samba/smb.share.conf /etc/samba/smb.share.old
# We hid the file here, but it's not executable. It's not a script.
cp /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ /etc/samba/smb.share.conf
# Restart samba
synopkg restart SMBService
# Fuck Synology DSM