Fixed formatting.

Jay 2 years ago
parent 57e705cf47
commit 1ffd3d72cf

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ exten = 2,1,Goto(cart-player,${z},1) # Start the song over.
exten = i,1,Goto(${c},s,return) # Press anything but 2 to go away at any time.
exten = _*XX,1,Set(tt=${IF($[${EXTEN:-2} < 10]?${EXTEN:-1}:${EXTEN:-2})}) # Leading zeros. Check if album is less than 10 tracks. Set tt (total tracks).
exten = _*XX,1,Set(tt=${IF($[${EXTEN:-2}<10]?${EXTEN:-1}:${EXTEN:-2})}) # Leading zeros. Check if album is less than 10 tracks. Set tt (total tracks).
same = n,Set(t=1) # Initialize track counter.
same = n,Set(p=*) # Set context prefix for controls use.
same = n(lead),GoToIf($[${t} = 10]?tenplus) # If we've crossed track 10, jump to "tenplus". Label for "lead".
@ -88,13 +88,13 @@ same = n,GoToIf($[${t} < ${tt}]?lead) # Compares track count to TT
same = n,Goto(${c},s,goodbye) # We played all the tracks. Go back to main menu "goodbye".
same = n(tenplus),Set(p=#) # "tenplus" label. Change p from * to #.
same = n,GoTo(#00,hax) # Switch to the "hax" prority for #00 to continue double-digit file playback.
exten = _#XX,1,Set(tt=${IF($[${EXTEN:-2} < 10]?${EXTEN:-1}:${EXTEN:-2})}) # No Leading zero filenames. Checks for albums less than 10. Sets tt.
exten = _#XX,1,Set(tt=${IF($[${EXTEN:-2}<10]?${EXTEN:-1}:${EXTEN:-2})}) # No Leading zero filenames. Checks for albums less than 10. Sets tt.
same = n,Set(t=1) # Initializes playback counter
same = n,Set(p=#) # Sets the P variable
same = n(hax),Background(${aa}/${t}) # Plays back file. Hax label. Entry point from * land.
same = n(next),Set(t=$[${t} + 1]) # Increase track count
same = n,GoToIf($[${t} < ${tt}]?hax) # Look at track count compared to total. Go back to hax if not done.
same = n,Goto(${c},s,goodbye) # Done. Stop wasting my money/
same = n,Goto(${c},s,goodbye) # Done. Stop wasting my money
exten = 1,1,GoToIf($["${t}" = "1"]?wait) # Track back. Check to see if we can go back. Just skip if we can't.
same = n,Set(t=$[${t} - 1]) # Subtract 1 from T.
@ -126,6 +126,6 @@ the "hax" label was an early hold-over from testing the leading 0 routine; origi
Though we call specific extensions in the context; once we're in we don't. The number you pass as an extension just configures the number of tracks. Once we have that, we don't need
it. This is why the playback controls and "over 10" make a call to double-0...specifically double-zero hax label. We just need to get back in to the proper set of logic. Calling ext
00 from outside the playback context would likely result in the first file playing and then ending immedately. In fact...brainstorm. Pass the number of tracks and track selection as
00 from outside the playback context would likely result in the first file playing and then ending immedately. ~~In fact...brainstorm. Pass the number of tracks and track selection as
a four digit extension. Set number of tracks to 00 with track number to get single track playback; pass number of tracks with track number 00 to play an album. That might be the next
major revision to the asterisk jukebox if I can figure out how to handle the leading 0 BS.
major revision to the asterisk jukebox if I can figure out how to handle the leading 0 BS.~~ ##### Wait? What? This doesn't even make any sense now. I gotta stop writing stuff at 3AM.