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On March 28, 2024, and all related sites went offline. We were back online 10 hours later; plus however long it took the TTLs to expire so the DNS changes propagate.

This is what happened:

    - The hypervisor suffered a hardware failure.
    - Thanks to the gracious work of our host, we are back up and running on a previous backup in a different location.

The only things that have been lost were any images I uploaded in the previous two days. IPv6 connectivity is also gone; AAAA records have been removed.

Plans for the future:

    - Wait and see what our kind host tells us what we're doing.
    - Work on restoring daily local backups.

Previously I had a simple backup that ran daily to my home storage based around rsync. This was fine except for random reasons files would resync that didn't need to be resync'd. I wanted this for files that may be dynamically updated server-side. I need to up my rsync game or see what it's doing.

I have also been running this same VPS install since 2020. It actually started on one host, then was migrated to an entirely different host with different virtualization technology; as well as seeing a full distro upgrade. It may be time for me to rebuild the VPS from scratch.

Thanks Fohdeesha.