Jay dewdude
  • Virginia
  • https://pickmy.org
  • Owner/Admin of pickmy.org
    Homelabber · Casual Coder
    Self-Hosting Fan
    Account for non-ham related stuff. Now on Mastodon

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업데이트됨 2 주 전

A script because Synology sucks.

업데이트됨 6 달 전

Shell script to update Hurricane Electric DDNS hosts.

업데이트됨 1 년 전

A self-hosted IPv4 Check Service for displaying your public IPv4. Primarily for pfSense, but compatible with other Linux/FBSD based solutions.

업데이트됨 1 년 전

How to install Gitea and recover your exisiting repositories from Gogs 0.13

업데이트됨 1 년 전

Creating a custom hostname for webmail on Mail-In-A-Box

업데이트됨 1 년 전

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