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DAYTON DAYTON DAYTON post 2023-04-22 17:05:45 Blog <!--more-->

That's right...Dayton Hamvention is about 4 weeks away; and after planning a trip then canceling due to lack of funds I was able to put a trip together. I will once again be attending the festivities this year.

I'm riding down with a friend from Chicago; so I actually have to fly a whole state west in order to get here; but there are reasons this was preferable to flying directly to Dayton or adjacent cities. AFAIK, I'll be down there from Wednesday to Sunday. Sunday we head down to Cincinnati where I'll fly home Tuesday.

The turnout last year was quite large...much larger than I'm used to for a hamfest; then again none of those were Dayton Hamvention. I'm anxious to see if the numbers are even higher this year.