# if you are not using DMR, then comment these two lines out
# if you are not using DMR, then comment these two lines out
# to comment out, just add a pound-sign to the start of the line, like these comments.
# to comment out, just add a pound-sign to the start of the line, like these comments.
dmr=$(curl -s http://$pidmr/mmdvmhost/bm_links.php| sed 's/<[^>]\+>/\n/g'| grep '^TG'| sed 's/TG/#/g'| sed 's/(.)//g' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ - /g')
dmr=$(curl -s http://$pidmr/mmdvmhost/bm_links.php| sed 's/<[^>]\+>/\n/g'| grep '^TG'| sed 's/TG/#/g'| sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g' | sed 's/\s#/ \<b\>\·\<\/b\> #/g')
[ -z "$dmr"]&&dmr="No Talkgroups Found"
[ -z "$dmr"]&&dmr="No Talkgroups Found"
# do the same for dstar with repeaterinfo.php but just egrep for reflector prefix, strip HTML, keep the first 8 characters
# do the same for dstar with repeaterinfo.php but just egrep for reflector prefix, strip HTML, keep the first 8 characters